1) Curriculum: To provide a framework for learning within and beyond the formal curriculum that offers pupils a range of opportunities designed to help them reach excellent standards ofattainment and achievement.
2) Teaching: To provide effective teaching that is marked by high, but realistic, expectations, and which promotes a joy in learning that forms a sound foundation for continuing achievement in later life.
3)Meeting Pupils’ Needs: To provide challenge and support for learning that are well suited to pupils’ individual abilities and needs.
4) Resources: To provide accommodation, resources and facilities that are appropriate to an excellent
modern education.
5) Management: To provide effective leadership and management that enables all staff to be aware and responsive to the needs and aspirations of pupils, other staff members, parents and the wider community; and to be successful in pursuing continuous improvement.

Our Vision
S N I T E aspires to offer quality teacher education to flourish, develope and empower the student-teacher fraternity and to foster life long learning.